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Consulting package for retrofitting your fire extinguishing system to handle fluorine-free foam agents
The retrofitting of existing fire extinguishing systems for use with fluorine-free foam agents is a key topic for installers and operators as well as for fire departments. Therefore, we have put together an individual consulting package for you, enabling you to select the right proportioner for this purpose. It also gives you certainty about whether an existing FireDos proportioner can be cleaned or needs to be replaced. Contact us, we will be happy to advise you.
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Your advantages

Tailored to suit your needs
As a matter of course, we will tailor the consulting specially to your company and your application.
Your package price: Fair and fix
EUR 1,704.00 plus VAT
Final report
You will receive a final report from us, giving you recommendations for further action.
Request the consulting package now
Interested in our consulting package? Please complete the form. We will contact you shortly.
The consulting package in detail
We check the following for you:
- if the existing proportioner is suitable for the new foam agent
- if the existing suction line is suitable for the new foam agent
- which further action must be taken regarding the proportioner
- how you can make your existing proportioner fit to handle the new foam agent.
You will receive a final report from us, giving recommendations for further action. This can include cleaning, modification or a recommendation to install a new proportioner.
This is why you should play it safe
- Most fluorine-free foam agents can be very high-viscous, which can adversely affect the proportioner as well as the fire extinguishing system as a whole.
- When designing a new system or retrofitting for fluorine-free foam agents, the compatibility of the proportioner with the foam agent and the fire extinguishing system should be checked carefully.
- If necessary, the proportioner must be replaced to ensure that the required proportioning rates are achieved also with the new fluorine-free foam agents.
Applicable EU regulations
The following EU regulations for limit values of fluorine constituents in foam agents currently apply:
- Since 4th July 2020: According to EU Regulation 2019/1021 (POPs Regulation) and Regulation (EU) 2017/1000, foam agents containing more than 25 ppb (0.025 mg/kg) of PFOA or one of its salts or more than 1 ppm (1 mg/kg, 1000 ppb) of individual PFOA precursor compounds must no longer be marketed in the EU.
- 1st January 2023 to 3rd July 2025: Use is permitted only if the extinguishing water can be completely collected and disposed of in accordance with the law after use.
- From 4th July 2025: Use is no longer permitted.
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