Smart mobile solutions for firefighting
Mobile Emergency Units can be deployed with potential emergencies, or for preventive deployment during pre-planned activities to stationary fire protection systems. Here we are showing a 10 feet container designed and built by Van Ginkel Groep in The Netherlands.
Due to the corona travelling restrictions, a service visit to the Netherlands was not possible. As an alternative, the FireDos service team commissioned them in Germany before they were shipped to the customer by the Van Ginkel Groep.
The inlet comprises 3 stainless steel DN100 PN 16 flanges that will feed the FireDos M7 remote controlled fire monitor with up to 20,000 l/min of water or foam premix and a reach of over 100 m. The fire monitor is equipped with an AMPN20 nozzle that will allow the flowrate to be changed by remote control during operation in the range of 100% to 25%. The maximum operating pressure is 16 bar. The horizontal swivel range is 360° (limited to 180° on the container setup) and the vertical range is -85°/+90° (limited to +20°/+90° on container setup).