Haines Fire & Risk Consulting is Authorized Distributor for FireDos in the USA
FireDos is expanding their sales network in the USA. From now on, the company Haines Fire & Risk Consulting (HFRC) is functioning as another Authorized Distributor.
Based in Medford, New Jersey, HFRC is specialized in fire protection, extinguishing water supply, emergency management and fire investigation. Headed by Stephen W. Haines, the company operates in various industries, including oil & gas, chemistry, pharmaceutical, warehousing, power supply and waste disposal.
FireDos founded a U.S. branch in December 2019. The location of its subsidiary FireDos US Inc. in Houston, Texas, the heart of the oil & gas industry, ensures some intensive customer care from a central place. Doing so, the service-focused company is supported on the U.S. market by companies like HFRC.
Im Dezember 2019 gründete FireDos eine US-Niederlassung. Der Sitz des Tochterunternehmens FireDos US Inc. im texanischen Houston, dem Zentrum der Öl- und Gasindustrie, gewährleistet eine intensive Kundenbetreuung von zentraler Lage aus. Dabei wird das serviceorientierte Unternehmen auf dem US-Markt von Vertriebspartnern wie HFRC unterstützt.

Haines Fire & Risk Consulting (HFRC) is an Authorized Distributor for FireDos in the USA.
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