Largest FireDos proportioner FD25000 – first install in a stationary extinguishing system in the USA
The planning phase is crucial for the successful use of fire extinguishing systems. The owner of a methanol plant in Louisiana decided to benefit from expert service and has relied on a large foam proportioner by FireDos since then.
The Challenge:
- Protection of one of the largest methanol production plants in the USA
- Handle the required extinguishing agent flow range reliably
- Minimize installation and maintenance efforts
- Meet client's budget constraints
Initially, the fire protection concept at the methanol plant in Louisiana included several smaller proportioners to handle the required large amounts of water. Working together with the US-based sales partner Haines Fire & Risk Consulting (HFRC), it was then however decided to choose one single but large proportioner – the FD25000. This unit can cope with varying flow rates starting at 1800 l/min (476 gpm) up to 25000 l/min (6600 gpm) and thus turned out to be the optimum solution for this application.
Here are the advantages:
- Easy and quick installation
- Low maintenance and test effort
- Flexible but reliable proportioning of foam agent
The methanol plant is one of the biggest in the USA. Methanol is an organic chemical compound that is produced from carbon monoxide and hydrogen. In addition to their material use, methanol and its secondary products are also used as energy sources as well as in everyday product s like plywood, carpets and plastics.

About Haines Fire & Risk Consulting
Based in Medford, New Jersey, Haines Fire & Risk Consulting (HFRC) is specialized in fire protection, extinguishing water supply, emergency management and fire investigation. Headed by Stephen W. Haines, the company operates in various industries, including oil & gas, chemistry, pharmaceutical, warehousing, power supply and waste disposal.
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